Saturday, July 21, 2012

Swizz Beatz Linked To Megaupload Case!! Prosecutors Eager for Take Down!!!

    Swizz Beatz
                        Federal prosecutors are using Swizz Beatz’s connection to Megaupload to put the company on trial in the U.S. even though the producer claims that he was only a figurehead for the website which was taken down for hosting pirated content. U.S. Attorney Neil MacBride doesn’t buy Beatz’s claims that he was only involved with the company on an endorsement basis.
                  According to MacBride, Beatz represented the company in front of the United States Trade Representative in December 2011 which the attorney says is enough to demonstrate that Swizz was in fact involved in the daily operations of the file-sharing website.
                    By linking Beatz to the company’s operations, authorties are hoping they will have grounds to try Megaupload on U.S. soil which up until now was considered impossible as the website operates overseas and outside of U.S. jurisdiction.
          Even if authorities don’t serve Beatz, the company’s other U.S. based CEO, David Robb, could provide prosecutors a means to try Megaupload in the U.S. “After Defendant Dotcom became Defendant Megaupload’s Chief Innovation Officer, the company appears to have employed at least two Chief Executive Officers in the United States: first David Robb and then Kasseem David Dean (also known as Swizz Beatz),” reads the official filing.

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